fair testing: Teaching
different types of scientific enquiry
Published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement
Programme, London, 2006.
Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme
Allington House(First Floor)
150 Victoria Street
London SW1E 5AE
Copyright: © 2006 Gatsby Science Enhancement
The materials in this pack may be reproduced
for teaching purposes in schools and colleges
provided that the copyright of the Science
Enhancement Programme is acknowledged.
ISBN: 1 901351 59 9
Beyond fair testing:
Teaching different types of scientific enquiry
is the result of the SKEES (SEP-King’s
Enhancing Enquiries in Schools) project, funded
by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme.
The project team
at King’s College London consisted of:
Rod Watson (Project leader), Labrini Nikolaou
and Kelly Teamey. |
writing team for each enquiry was as follows:
Mystery Powders:
Rod Watson Spiders:
Labrini Nikolaou, Tiffany Prince, Rod Watson
Fitness: Labrini
Nikolaou, Allie Denholm, Rod Watson Bubbles:
Rod Watson, Steve Hearn Air
pollution: Rod Watson, Kelly Teamey,
Labrini Nikolaou Biodiversity:
Rod Watson, Dave Dennis The
materials were prepared for publication by:
Miriam Chaplin Designers:
Pluma Design Ltd. CD
–ROM development and online:
KDR Creative
Digital images supplied
Pure substances: © RazvanPhotography.
Lady bug on leaf: © BritishBeef.
Power plant: © Rinderart.
Spider: © Goem.
Bubbles: © Harveys Art.
Morning Run: © Barsik.
The following teachers
helped to develop the enquiries:
Allie Denholm, Uplands Community Technology
College; Dave Dennis, Norwood School; Steve
Hearn, Charterhouse School; Judy Machin, Gumley
Convent School; Jonathan Ojinnaka, Orleans
Park School; Tiffany Prince, Loxford School.
Valerie Wood-Robinson acted as a consultant
for the ‘Spiders’ and ‘Mystery
Powders’ enquiries.
The Science Enhancement Programme (SEP) is
part of Gatsby Technical Education Projects.
It undertakes a range of activities concerned
with the development of curriculum resources
and with teacher education. For further information,